Well over the years I have seen several hoarders houses but the recent one was the mother of all hoarders I thought I had seen it all until I seen this one. Normal in a hoarders house you can see at least the ceiling but on this one it was not possible as the place was floor to ceiling in rubbish. This was in pretty much most rooms bar one. Then we came to the garage and garden and this was just as bad.
We was there with the family members and a social worker andwe explained to everyone howwe go about clearing out a property like this. The deal was done and the next day our team set about carrying out this house and garden clearance. We had a team of 5 on the first day and a team of 6 on the second and 2 very big Luton vans for taking away the waste and also a large skip. All said and done it only took our Wombles team 3 days to carry out this mamouth task. We filled the equivalent to around 12 skips full of junk but once all was removed the place was ready to be sold. Fantastic job carried out and once again by our team and more importantly we had a very happy client.
The Wombles House And Business Clearance Specialists.